*Please keep in mind that only non-occupied spider webs should be used for magickal purposes, otherwise you are robbing a poor spider of her home as well as a way to catch prey.
Most commonly the spider web/silk is best used with bindings, hexings and protection workings, however, I find that it is an amazing addition to use when working to "attain and obtain" much like the actual use of the web.
Below is a mini spell you may wish to try if your in need to obtaining good health or a job, happiness and any other "obtaining" desire. It's very much an all-purpose gem.
Gather as much cast away web as you find the need for. Using a pin or needle inscribe unto a candle with the corresponding color of your desire what it is you wish to obtain. (I.e. health, work etc.) Hold the web in your right hand very gently visualizing the powerful energy and magick used to create the web. Now take the web and wrap it around the candle as much as possible while saying something like: " The Spiders silk to catch and keep, by magick's bounds bring ______ to me." Now light the candle and repeat the chant as many times as it takes to feel the energy rising. Once complete you should keep the remainders (if any) of the candle and place it somewhere hidden, safe and close.
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